Add a custom setting
To set a custom setting, go into a player, click the Options icon (the wrench and screwdriver) in the top right corner and select Settings, then click New Setting.
You can also select a group to add settings for multiple players at once.
Table of content
The tables below lists the custom settings that can be sent to a player.
Setting names and values are typically case insensitive. Bool values are written as 0 for false and 1 for true.
Audio settings
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
AudioMute | Bool | Whether to mute all audio on the player (global). This custom setting is available directly in the Audio setting. | Lite, Premium | false | 1 |
AudioVolume | Integer | Set the player's audio volume (global) to the specified percent value. 100 equals 100% in Windows. This custom setting is available directly in the Audio setting. | Lite, Premium | No value = Use system volume | 50 |
AudioVolumeSchedule | String | Comma separated list of volumes over a 24 hour period (start at 00.00) | Premium | No value = Use system volume | 0,0,0,0,0,0,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,100,70,70,50,50,0,0,0,0 |
| String | Same as above, but for each day of the week. If not specific or day not specified will fall back to AudioVolumeSchedule | Premium | No value = AudioVolumeSchedule | 0,0,0,0,0,0,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,100,70,70,50,50,0,0,0,0 |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
ContentCachePath | String | Force use of alternative path for downloaded content. If the setting doesn't exist DISE will default to the best suitable drive. | Premium | No default | E:\MyContent |
DownloadSchedule | String | Time of day when player is allowed to download content. Options: AlwaysOn (00:00 to 00:00), outsideBusinessHours (22:00 to 06:00), atNight (00:00 to 04:00). | Premium, Lite | No default |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
Interlaced | Bool | If active, playback will use Interlaced mode in Direct3D. | Premium | false | 1 |
UseDirect3D9Ex | Bool | Change Direct3D9 Extended usage. Will change behavior of graphic card memory sharing and screen change detection (default is defined in DISEGlobal.settings, usually 1/true) | Premium | Usually true | 1 |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
LogLevel | Integer | Log level to use. Emergency = 0, Alert = 1, Critical = 2, Error = 3, Warning = 4, Notice = 5, Info = 6, Debug = 7. | Premium, Lite | No default | 7 |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
Network.Multicast.Enabled | Bool | Enables multicast (1 = enabled) | Premium | false | 1 |
Network.UDP.Enabled | Bool | Enables UDP (1 = enabled) | Premium | false | 1 |
Network.UDP.Port | Integer | Assign port for UDP | Premium |
| 1515 |
RemoteControlEnabled | Bool | Enable remote control. | Premium | false | 1 |
WebServerEnabled | Bool | Enable HTTP REST API in Replay. | Premium |
| 1 |
WebServerPort | Integer | Port for HTTP REST API | Premium |
| 8080 |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
Debug | Bool | Show the output in windowed mode and without Always on top. | Lite, Premium |
| 1 |
DirectMovieSceneScheduleChange | Bool | Apply schedule changes as directly as possible without finishing the currently playing cache. | Premium |
| 1 |
DisablePlaybackStatistics | Bool | Disable sending statistics to server. | Premium | false | 1 |
DisplayScheme | String | Force use of alternative display scheme (with extension .displayscheme). If no path is included in the filename it will look in the default download directory. | Premium |
| Player2.displayscheme |
ExclusivePlayback | Bool | If active, playback will be done in Exclusive Direct3D mode. | Premium | true | 0 |
KeepImageVideoLoaded | Bool | Never remove images/video from cache. | Premium | false | 1 |
KeepWebPagesLoaded | Bool | Never remove web pages from cache. | Premium | false | 1 |
LedMode | Bool | Run in windowed mode, always on top. Combine with ScreenWidth/ScreenHeight and ScreenX/ScreenY settings (see below). | Premium |
| 1 |
ScreenX | Integer | The custom X position of the output window (in Windows desktop coordinates). | Premium | 100 | |
ScreenY | Integer | The custom Y position of the output window (in Windows desktop coordinates). | Premium | 1600 | |
ScreenWidth | Integer | The custom width of the output window. | Premium | 320 | |
ScreenHeight | Integer | The custom height of the output window. | Premium | 280 | |
Playback.DateOverride | String | Used to test scheduling, write the date you wish to lock scheduling to. In the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. | Premium | No value = off | 2019-04-24 09:44:00 |
Playback.DestroyDataWaitSeconds | Integer | Number to seconds to keep resources loaded in the cache before unloading. For content low in size this value can be high and for large content it should be kept low to avoid running out of system or graphic memory. | Premium | 30 | 30 |
Playback.Resources.KeepLoaded | Bool | Never remove resources from cache. | Premium | false | 1 |
PlaybackSpeed | Integer | Speed up the playback for debug purposes | Premium |
| 5 |
PreloadCacheDepth | Integer | Set number of scenes to preload in Replay | Premium | 3 | 10 |
RestartPlaybackOnDisplayChange | Bool | If active, playback will be restarted if a change of display is detected. | Premium | false | 0 |
ScreensaverMode | Bool | If the playback should only be active when the computer is idle. | Premium | false | 1 |
ScreensaverDelay | Integer | The amount of idle time in seconds to wait before activating the playback. | Premium |
| 30 |
Playback.Screensaver.TriggerName | String | if the trigger name is assigned to a channel, that channel will be defined as a screensaver, which means clicking or tapping on this channel will make this channel to be hidden | Lite (v30+) |
Playback.Screensaver.Delay | Integer/String | The delay of seconds before displaying screensaver. Can be set to "manual" for manual start of screensaver. | Premium V33+ | 30 | 60 manual |
TestScreen | Bool | Show test screen. Default is false. | Premium | false | 1 |
Viewer | String | Determines what viewer version to use for playback.
Replay is the legacy viewer. | Premium | PresentationViewer | replay |
Playback.Web.Endless | Bool | stop refresh for single web page | Lite player (v30+) |
| 1 |
Playback.Delay | Int | Delay playback start in seconds | Premium (V36+) | 0 | 15 |
Playback.ExtractTemplateMedia | Bool | if true, the player will extract the media files from the template, then the player can achieve gapless video playback. Only works if all media is fullscreen! | V36+ | 0 | 1 |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
Probe.DestinationDirectory | String | Directory where Probe will download to (if used) | Premium with Probe | No value = Probe default (DISE Global settings) |
Probe.DownloadInterval | Integer | Content download interval in seconds | Premium with Probe | No value = Probe default (DISE Global settings) | 3600 |
Probe.DownloadSchedule | String | Download schedule for Probe. | Premium with Probe | No value = No download schedule | Base64 encoded schedule |
Probe.Site | String | Additional sites for Probe to use | Premium with Probe | Base64 encoded FTP Sites settings to be used for Probe. Copy the FTPSite {...} part from Probe.settings | Base64 encoded FTPSite |
FTPTransferMode | String | Control Probe Passive/Active FTP. Values accepted are Active and Passive. | Premium with Probe | passive | active |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
ForceScreenState | Integer | 0 = auto, 1 = on, 2 = off. | Premium | 0 | 0 |
Screen.AdditionalURIs | String | Comma separated list of URIs for additional screens connected using TCP or RS-232. For each entry a new screen service will be created. The following URI formats are supported: tcp://ip:port rs232://comport:screenid These additional screens will use the same settings as the main screen. | Premium (v30+) | No value = No additional screens | tcp://,tcp:// rs232://com1:2,rs232://com2:3 |
ScreenAdapter | Integer | Index of screen to show on. | Premium | 0 (first screen) | 1 |
ScreenBrightness | Integer | Percentage brightness on screen (0-100). Not supported on all models. | Premium, Lite (WebOs, SSSP) | No value = Screen configuration | 50
ScreenBacklight | Integer | Percentage backlight on screen (0-100). Not supported on all models. | Lite (SSSP) | No value = Screen configuration | 85 |
ScreenContrast | Integer | Percentage contrast on screen (0-100). Not supported on all models. | Premium, Lite (WebOs, SSSP) | No value = Screen configuration | 50 |
ScreenColor | Integer | Percentage color on screen (0-100). Not supported on all models. | Premium, Lite (WebOs) | No value = Screen configuration | 50 |
ScreenId | Integer | Id of screen to control from player. | Premium | No value = All screens | 2 |
ScreenInput | String | Input to use of screen. Not supported on all models. | Premium | No value = Screen selected input | NEC |
ScreenMAC | String | To allow Wake On Lan for Screen. MAC Address of screen. | Premium |
| 00-14-22-01-23-45 |
ScreenRotation | Int | Way of rotating the output screen content (0=No rotate, 1=90 deg. left, 2=180 deg, 3= 90 deg. right (270 deg)) | Premium | 0 | 3 |
Screen.Script | String | A Base64-encoded script which is run every minute to query and report the screen status. | Premium (v30+) | No value = Use normal RS232/TCP screen control. |
ScreenSharpness | Integer | Percentage sharpness on screen (0-100). Not supported on all models. | Premium, Lite (WebOs, SSSP4+) | No value = Screen configuration | 50 |
ShowMouseCursor | Bool | Show the mouse cursor (for instance for interactive presentations) | Lite (ChromeOS, v30+) | false | 1 |
SimulateScreenControl | Bool | Simulate the communication with the screen, for debug. | Premium | false | 1 |
WOLBroadcast | String | To allow WOL (Wake On Lan) for screen. WOL Broadcast IP. | Premium |
| |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
SyncMode | String | Master or Slave. This will enable synchronization through multicast so it is important that players in sync are on the same subnet. | Premium | ““ | Master |
| String | The multicast IP to use for synchronization. | Premium | | |
| Integer | The multicast IP port to use for synchronization. | Premium | 4001 | |
Sync.Enabled | Bool | Enable sync mode for video display on SSSP4+ devices | Lite SSSP4+ (v31) | false | true |
Sync.GroupId | Integer | Only screens with the same groupId will be synced if Sync.Enabled is set to true. | Lite SSSP4+ (v31) | 5 | 23 |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
RebootComputerAt | Integer | Reboot the computer at specified hour every day (1 = 1 AM, 13 = 1 PM) | Premium |
| 4 |
RestartReplayAt | Integer | Restart Replay at specified hour (24 hour-based, all days). -1 to disable. Will use the time zone locally on the player. | Premium, Lite | -1 (disabled) Lite defaults to 04.
| 6 |
SimulateHardwareControl | Bool | Simulate the communication with hardware, for debug. | Premium | false | 0 |
TimeZoneOffset | Integer | Time zone offset in minutes from UTC | Premium |
| 560 |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
Var-X | String | Set a variable by the name "X" to the value denoted by value. | Premium, Lite (v30+) |
| value |
VariableDefaultScope | String | Set default Variable scope. If set to "local" to force all variable reads to try local (movie context) source first. If set to "global" local will not be tried unless specified. | Premium | local | local |
Setting | Datatype | Description | Platforms | Default | Example value |
UseInternalRenderer | Bool | Default is "VMR9", enable to use "Internal" instead. | Premium | false (VMR9) | 1 |
Video.UseAVPlay | Bool | Enable to use the SSSP AVplayer instead of the video Tag. | Lite (Tizen, SSSP4+) | false | 1 |
Video.UseCordovaPlayer | Bool | Enable to use the cordova plugin video player instead of the video Tag | Lite (Android) | false | 1 |
GaplessVideo | Bool | Select gapless video playback on Lite players (1 = enabled) | Lite (SSSP4, SSSP6) | Samsung = disabled | 1 |