DISE Premium players are able to function as screensavers, meaning that they will play content until someone touches the screen or otherwise interacts with the PC. 

Then DISE will stop and show the Windows desktop. 

To set DISE as a screensaver, please do the following: 

  1. Go into the player in the web UI.
  2. Click the Tools icon in the top and select Settings, then New settings. 
  3. Add the following settings: 
    1. Name: screensavermode
      Type: bool
      Value: 1

    2. Name: screensaverdelay
      Type: int
      Value: how many seconds to wait until showing DISE

    3. Name: exclusiveplayback
      Type: bool
      Value: 0

  4. Publish the player.

It is also possible to have a single playlist in a layout act as a screensaver.