Introduction to reports

Reports is a function available in the DISE portal that enables you to track what is showing on the players at a certain time, 

as well as how many times certain content have been shown on the screens. 

To get to the reports section you simply navigate to the Reports as soon as you login into your portal. 

Note: For the players to start tracking content played you need a SA (Super admin) to turn it on for your portal. 

Contact your server admin to help you with this. 

You will also need to republish any playlists that was created before you turned on playback statistics. 

Introduction to Play count

To get a Play count report simply follow the steps below. 

Below you will find information about what the different fields will change in your report. 


    Here you can choose the name your report will get, by default the name will be the date it was created. 


    Pick the starting point for your report, what this means is that in the report you will only see play count from this point. 

    So in my example above it would only count plays from "2018-05-01 00:00". 


    The stop point for your report, it wont count any plays done after this point. 


    Here you can select if you only want to count the plays done on a certain player. 

    The default setting is that it will count plays done on all players on the network. 


    Select a specific playlist that you want play count for, this is good if you are using the same playlist for multiple players. 


    Here you can filter your content using "Pattern matching". 

    For example you can use '%House%' to filter all content names containing "House". 

    This also works with '%H' to filter all content that begins with "H" and 'h%' to filter all content that ends with "h". 

Note: It may take a while for the server to create the report depending on how data there is, it will signalize this by showing the following message: 

When it is done it will instead show the following: 

After the report has been generated you are still able to do changes to it. 

When a change it made it will regenerate the report, see the GIF below for more information. 

Here you can also see that you also have the option to Open, Export and Remove the report.

When exporting you will have two options, PDF or CSV.


It is quite self explanatory, will export the report to a PDF file. 


Will export a .CSV file that can be imported into Microsoft excel or similar software.

Play count example

When you open the report you will see something similar to the following.


Name of the file being played.


What file type the specific file is.

Times Played

Amount of times it has been shown on screen.


Total duration the file has been displayed on screen. 

Introduction to Proof of play

The creation and settings for Proof of play is exactly the same as for Play count. 

So if you follow the instructions above you are able to create Play count reports as well as Proof of play reports. 

The only difference is that you need to select "Proof of play" in the drop down menu.  

Another difference is how the report looks when you open it. 


Name of the file being played.


What file type the specific file is.


What time the file was displayed on the screen.


Duration the file was displayed at that time.